League of Legends | Mobile Anniversary

League of Legends Mobile Anniversary

Final Frontier and Le Cube Join Forces to Celebrate League of Legends Mobile Version

Animation for Tencent goes inside players’ minds at critical moments

Visualising the emotions of League of Legends players at the ultimate do-or-die moments, Final Frontier and director Le Cube joined forces to celebrate the game’s mobile version with a thrilling animated piece.

Combining 2D cel-animation with in-game footage, the 45-second film is part of the mobile game’s one-year China anniversary campaign, seeking to celebrate each player by spotlighting their proudest moments to the entire gaming community.

Le Cube partner and creative art director, Santiago Oddis, says,

“It was all about visualizing the emotions players feel right before carrying out a killer attack. There is a shift between our character’s reality and the imagined League universe inside his head, where he is not only controlling a champion, but he himself becomes one of the champions. The last scene points out that those moments reflect not just one player’s experience, but the entire gaming community.”

Le Cube crafted a youthful angular art style to visualize the futuristic cast of players. Ongoing color shifts reflect the tonal changes in the action, from heavier shadows and cool blue tones in the suspenseful beginning, to highly saturated reds during the intense battle, to warmer oranges and yellows when the gaming community finally gathers.

Final Frontier executive producer Chris Colman says,

“We had less than a month to execute the film so we were very happy to be working with a global heavy-hitter like Le Cube, one of the most experienced teams in the industry. 

As director, Oddis brought a clear, stylish and practical vision, and we powered to the finish line, ultimately delivering a pretty sweet film.”

Final Frontier and Tencent’s League of Legends team also recently collaborated on a collectible set of NFT-style images for new players, designed to make the game more accessible.

Originally made for desktop PCs, League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) games worldwide with over 100 million monthly users. In 2020, the mobile adaption was released, garnering over 20 million monthly users worldwide, with China contributing to over 70% of its global revenue as of July 2022.


Client: Tencent Games
Production Company: Final Frontier
Executive Producer: Chris Colman, Fernanda Soma, Gus Karam, Julieta Zajaczkowski
Executive Creative Director: Claus Cibils
Lead Producer: Eric Zheng
Animation Studio: Le Cube
Director: Santiago Oddis
Line Producer: Ruby Valls
Project Manager: Sofia Arissian
Animation Director: Federico Radero
Art Director: Gianluca Patti
Ilustrators: Franco Vecchi, Lucas Andreu, Emilia Calvo
2D Animation: Appétit
Tie Down: Appétit, Facundo García, Carlos Carranza, Juan Nacht, Sofia Fernández, Julieta Soloaga, Javier Saavedra, Juan Pablo Barbieri
Clean Up: Micaela Carrizo, Cynthia Perez Daubert, Constanza Billy Penna, Andres Moncalvo,
Octavio Cid, Angela D’Attoma, Samanta Strenta, Virginia Fillol, Augusto Cortegoso, Mariangel Idiarte.
Compo & 3D: Adrián Mirandeborde, Fernando La Mattina
Music & Sound: Facundo Capece